SEO 101: The Importance of Blogging

July 24, 2017
You’ve probably heard that blogging has many great benefits when it comes to improving your digital presence and website. It can help build your reputation as a source for industry info, it can give you a platform to engage with customers, and it’s a fun way to put a creative spin on topics related to your business.
Believe it or not, blogging can also help your website’s search ranking (SEO).
Keywords/Relevant Content
Popular search engines like Google and Bing use several methods to categorize and rank your website. One of the most common factors search engines use to determine search ranking is relevant content. When content is published on your website such as blogs, search engines like Google, will crawl and index this content to determine its relevance in a user’s search.
Blogging gives you the opportunity to write about topics related to your business or industry. Posting blogs about popular topics in your field such as e-Commerce or 6-Sigma Processing will allow Google and Bing to analyze keywords in your post and link these keywords to user’s search queries.
Posting appropriate blogs about keywords your customers are searching for is a great way to improve search ranking and your credibility as a business. It can help drive users to your website and build your reputation as the go-to place for industry news and updates.
Generating Buzz & Leads
Sharing your blog on social media is another easy way to improve search ranking for your website. Posting your blog to Twitter, Facebook, and LinkedIn not only exposes your blog to a larger audience but it can also generate leads to your website. Inserting hyperlinks connecting your blog to various pages of your website can help increase your overall website traffic.
Google and other search engines analyze website traffic to determine ranking in a search. Websites with higher traffic levels and relevant content rank higher in searches than compared to non-visited sites. Directing readers of your blog to your website is a great way to increase traffic and can potentially improve your search ranking.
Fresh New Content
If someone asked you “When was the last time you updated content on your website?” you would probably have to think back to when you posted about a new product or service. Writing new content isn’t always easy and for many businesses it can be hard to create fresh ideas for existing product descriptions or even company history pages. Blogging is a simple way to post new and current content to your website without rewriting what you already posted.
Search engines have been known to rank websites with new and updated content higher in search results. If you post a blog weekly or even bi-weekly, it lets search engines know that directing users to your website will result in pages that are maintained an updated on a regular basis.
Simply having a page on your website dedicated to your blog is a great way to show your customers, and Google, that you care about your online presence and user-experience. This will help improve both your search rank and reputation overall.
Blogging can have many great benefits for your business both online and offline. It can help you get the word out about what’s going on in your industry, build an online conversation with loyal readers, and even help with your website’s SEO. Bottom line? Blogging is no longer reserved for copywriters, and passionate enthusiasts. Blogging is essential for businesses in every industry and should play a central role in your content strategy.
Here at VIG we love writing blogs, press releases, and updates for our clients. If you feel it’s time for fresh ideas on your blog, Think VIG!