VIG Puts Some Motion Graphics On the Big Screen

June 28, 2017
When the National Frozen & Refrigerated Foods Association wanted to kick off their annual Golden Penguin Awards Ceremony, they wanted something special to grab the audience’s attention and highlight many new changes to the awards program. They wanted something creative that reflected the level of excellence achieved by members of the association.
We partnered with Afire Creative Group to create a powerful introduction video for the start of the ceremony.
Golden Penguin Awards Ceremony Video
The National Frozen & Refrigerated Foods Association (NFRA) is a trade association that represents all segments of the frozen and refrigerated foods industry. Founded in 1945, NFRA works closely with distributors, manufacturers, suppliers, and retailers to promote sales and consumption of industry products.
Every year NFRA hosts an annual awards ceremony to recognize the best in marketing and advertising across different food categories. This year they wanted to go above and beyond what they’ve normally done and make several changes to their awards program.
Our Solution
VIG worked closely with Afire Creative Group to plan, design, and create a one of a kind video to kick off their annual ceremony. Our teams combined our efforts to storyboard, design, and edit this unique motion graphics piece. Over the course of several months we were able to put together an outstanding visual that our client loved. Take a look at the video, you won’t be disappointed.
We enjoyed working with Afire Creative Group and the National Frozen & Refrigerated Foods Association. We’re pretty happy with the way everything turned out. Are you thinking about using a video for your next big event or ceremony. Give us a call today, we’d love to help you put something together!