South Mountain Trip Planner App
Makes Exploration and Navigation Easy
South Mountain Partnership is a team dedicated to preserving the natural beauty of Pennsylvania’s South Mountain region. The team wanted to encourage more visitors to discover and explore the region to build an appreciation of its value as a natural resource. They envisioned a travel-themed trip planner app to help visitors explore the region independently.
They brought their vision to VIG.
South Mountain Trip Planner App
The South Mountain Partnership launched in 2006 as a public-private partnership between the Pennsylvania Department of Conservation and Natural Resources (DCNR) and the Appalachian Trail Conservancy. Its goal is to envision and secure a sustainable future for the South Mountain landscape. To do that, the South Mountain Partnership wanted a trip planner app to promote the many cultural and heritage attractions and recreational opportunities in the area.
Our Solution
We developed mobile tour trip planner app to help visitors explore and navigate areas of interest in York, Adams, Franklin, and Cumberland counties.
South Mountain Tour App
Built to operate on iOS and Android devices, the app allows users to choose from one of five preconfigured tours or build their own tour by selecting from a menu of more than 75 natural, historical, cultural, and recreational sites.
The app also provides an overview of information for each location. Detail descriptions with captivating images help users carefully plan their tours and makes planning for a weekend away much easier.
The South Mountain Partnership app is a great way to explore and discover the natural beauty of south central Pennsylvania. Whether you’re looking for an historical Bed & Breakfast, Hiking Trail, or just something fun and unique to do, the South Mountain Partnership App has a location for you!
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